There are lots of free apps available that could add to your quality of life. This post shares some that you might like to try. Maybe they can help you to deal with symptoms of Gilbert’s Syndrome, such as anxiety, as well as to support a healthier lifestyle. I’ve focused on free to use ones, so that there are no barriers to access (apart from having a smartphone!). Some also have websites if you don’t have a phone. Why not share any you have found useful by adding a comment?
Anxiety is a main symptom for people with Gilbert’s Syndrome. There are plenty of apps that have tried and tested methods for helping people with anxiety and other mental health issues.
Insight timer is an app (and website) that provides free meditations and soothing soundscapes. You can listen to recordings, join classes and even add your own content! It’s a lovely community of folks from every tradition and there’s bound to be something that will fit your needs. The website is here https://insighttimer.com/

Calm is a well regarded app with free elements, although you can access most of its features if you pay a subscription. Check out the website here https://www.calm.com/
Sleep is closely associated with anxiety, and the two apps above may help improve your sleep. There are some that specifically deal with sleep. A good night’s sleep is really important if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome. It can help manage anxiety and prevent fatigue.
Tide. The app plays relaxing music that lulls you to sleep. It can actually stop the track once you’ve fallen asleep! Tide has a light wake-up alarm that awakens you during your lightest sleep phase. It also has calming breathing exercises, where your breathing in and out is guided by sound. Find out more here https://tide.fm/en_US/
PrimeNap. This app comes with sensor-assisted sleep tracking and an activity log so you can see how your day’s choices affect your sleeping patterns. Extra bells and whistles include a screen dimmer, sleep sounds, and dream journal. It doesn’t appear to have a website, however.
Food is a key ingredient in managing your health and wellbeing. Making positive choices will boost your energy, reduce unpleasant symptoms, and help you feel happier.
Feeleat – as a health and nutrition coach I’m always looking for an app to help people keep track of what they’re eating and how it affects them. It’s the first step in any food for health journey. Recording what you eat and how you feel is really powerful especially if working alongside a coach to find the best nutrition that works specifically for you. You could just begin by using it along with tips on gilbertssyndrome.org.uk , and see how you get on. Here’s their website https://www.feeleat.fr/en/
Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen. Highly rated, this app gives you a simple way of tracking easy healthy additions to your food. Dr Greger’s science backed approach is also not for profit – all proceeds from his books, etc go to charity. The full website is here (you can also get a regular email) https://nutritionfacts.org/
Exercise is important in dealing with your mental health, sleep and energy levels. It can be a tricky subject if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome, as exercise must be moderated alongside your symptoms. If you over do it, you may kick off side effects such as fatigue, jaundice and nausea. In my experience moderate intensity exercise that you have built up to tolerate well will offer you the main benefits of exercise.
BetterPoints – get rewarded for exercise! There are a few apps that award vouchers or prizes for walking or exercising check out your app store to see which will work best for you https://www.betterpoints.ltd/app/. I use one that rewards me for walking the dog, which I love, called Biscuit, https://biscuitpetcare.com/ but you may not have a dog!
Couch to 5k, is an app produced by the NHS in the UK. This app aims to give you support to get yourself to a foundational level of fitness that will actually transform your health and wellbeing. Great if you are starting out to explore how to gently get yourself fitter. You can find out more on the NHS website https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/running-and-aerobic-exercises/get-running-with-couch-to-5k/
Tree ID is a lovely app for identifying trees when you are out on a walk. Makes a walk more fun and educational! Find out more here at the Woodland Trust website https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/trees-woods-and-wildlife/british-trees/tree-id-app/
Life saving! I had to add this one, as it just might save your life or someone else’s.
St John Ambulance first aid app is highly regarded for supporting lifesaving actions if you are ever in a situation where it is needed. It will walk you through how to deliver simple lifesaving actions. Worth knowing whatever happens! You can find out more about the lifesaving work of St John Ambulance here https://www.sja.org.uk/ and more about the app here https://www.sja.org.uk/get-advice/free-first-aid-app/
I hope you find some useful and interesting applications here. There are always new ones coming on to the market too. Why not share any you know of that have helped you, by adding to comments below. That way we can help each other life a better life with Gilbert’s Syndrome.