Tips for Gilbert’s Syndrome and holiday celebrations

Here are some tips for a healthy happy celebration if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome, and a free gift from me to you. If you can help with a gift in return, you’ll be supporting the thousands of people who come to this website to find information to help them live better with Gilbert’s Syndrome.

  1. Alcohol can be a pleasure and a pain. If you do drink alcohol, know your limits and if you do choose to drink then decide ahead of time how much and when – don’t get caught up and feel appalling for days afterwards. Read more about alcohol here

2. Rest – if you’re reaching an end of year celebration and holiday, or a celebration after a period of fasting or preparing for a large family gathering, you may be emotionally depleted after a hard year. Be kind to yourself and remember to take time to rest. Your body will feel more tired during winter, for example, due to short daylight hours. Take Vitamin D to support your immune system. Ironically, if you are rested and less stressed your sleep will also be better.

3. Exercise – just 20 to 30 minutes a day in the fresh air will invigorate you. Use it as time to reflect on the things you are grateful for and you’ll have a double boost. Thinking grateful thoughts has been scientifically proven to improve mood for the long term. You’ll be taking care of your body and mind this way. 

4. Eat right – ok, we’re all looking forward to some special foody treats during celebration periods. If you have Gilbert’s Syndrome you are probably already familiar with the ‘food hangover’. Rich, fatty, sugary food = nausea, indigestion and abdominal discomfort. It can leave you feeling sluggish and with brain fog the next day. You don’t have to cut it all out – just don’t overdo it. Again, it’s important to know your limits and work out your toleration levels. Remember to include some of the foods that are really good for people with Gilbert’s Syndrome and may be abundant if you are reaching an end of year celebration: broccoli, cauliflower, greens, brussel sprouts, beetroot etc. See your free gift below…

5. Be kind to others. Kindness actually makes you feel good! There’s science behind that one.

My gift to you is a free recipe booklet with simple recipes that will help you feel healthier and live better with Gilbert’s Syndrome. Yes, it does include a burger, fries and apple crumble AND it’s healthy!!! If you can make a kind gift to help provide life changing advice for people with Gilbert’s Syndrome please click here:

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