Milk thistle and Gilbert’s Syndrome – help or harm?

hand holding a pill against a yellow background

Why You Might Want to Avoid Milk Thistle if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), has been used for over 2,000 years to provide a range of supposed benefits. It was thought to be a powerful herbal remedy for liver health. Alleged benefits include milk thistle acting as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and possessing liver-regenerating properties. But do the claims hold up under modern scientific scrutiny? Let’s explore the research to see if milk thistle deserves its long held reputation and whether you should consider taking it.

Should you be spending your money on milk thistle to improve your liver health and help your Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms?

What is Milk Thistle?

Milk thistle’s active ingredient, silymarin, comes from the plant’s seeds. Silymarin is a mixture of three compounds, including silybin (the most potent component), silydianin, and silychristin. These have been thought to provide therapeutic effects, particularly for liver-related issues such as:

  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
  • Viral hepatitis
  • Toxin-induced liver injury

The Science Behind the Claims

You may have read about the great benefits of taking milk thistle for protecting your liver.

Numerous preclinical studies (before it’s tested in humans) suggest that silymarin has antioxidant and other benefits. For instance, it has shown promise in animal studies for reducing liver damage caused by substances like acetaminophen, alcohol, and certain toxins. However, when it comes to human clinical trials, the evidence is far less convincing.

A 2018 review concluded that while preclinical data are encouraging, the results from human trials remain inconsistent and inconclusive. In particular, well-designed randomized clinical trials (the gold standard) are needed to verify whether milk thistle truly benefits liver diseases.

The Hidden Risks: Enzyme Inhibition

But it’s not just a question of whether milk thistle has benefits. Milk thistle may actually pose risks due to its interaction with liver enzymes. This affects people with Gilbert’s Syndrome in particular.

It’s time to rethink Milk Thistle and Gilbert’s Syndrome!

Research has found that silymarin, particularly silybin, inhibits UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) enzymes such as UGT1A1. People with Gilbert’s Syndrome have less of this enzyme than other people. That means that what little we have is even less effective!

Read more about UGTA1 here

UGT1A1 plays a crucial role in supporting your body to process drugs and toxins. Inhibiting this enzyme can lead to higher levels of certain medications in the bloodstream, potentially causing adverse effects. For example:

  • Chemotherapy Drug Interaction: A study on irinotecan, a chemotherapy drug metabolized by UGT1A1, found that milk thistle inhibited the drug’s metabolism. This led to increased drug concentrations, raising concerns about toxicity.
  • Raloxifene Interaction: Milk thistle compounds were shown to inhibit the metabolism of raloxifene (a drug for breast cancer prevention), potentially amplifying its effects by 4-5 times—a significant risk.

These findings underscore the importance of caution when using milk thistle alongside medications with a narrow therapeutic window (where small differences in dose or blood concentration may lead to serious therapeutic failures and/or adverse drug reactions). It’s particularly important if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome, as you are already impacted, and this could cause further issues with processing of drugs.

Is Milk Thistle Safe?

Despite these concerns, milk thistle is generally considered safe at therapeutic doses. Studies show that it is well-tolerated even at high doses (up to 700 mg three times daily for 24 weeks), with mild side effects such as nausea or diarrhea reported in some cases. However, the herb’s potential to interact with medications remains a significant issue, especially for people taking drugs metabolized by UGT1A1, CYP3A4, or CYP2C9. And especially if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome.

A Closer Look at the Benefits

While milk thistle is widely marketed as a liver “saviour,” the scientific consensus suggests that’s not the case. The gap between promising laboratory studies and lacklustre clinical results leaves little reason to believe it helps for most liver diseases. Moreover, its enzyme-inhibiting properties can lead to harmful drug interactions.

The Bottom Line

Milk thistle is not the miracle herb it’s often claimed to be. While it may offer some antioxidant and liver-protective effects, the current evidence does not justify its widespread use, especially given its potential to interfere with vital enzymes. If you’re considering milk thistle for liver health or any other condition, consult a healthcare provider to ensure it’s safe and suitable for your needs.

In the end, your liver—and your wallet—may thank you for skipping this overhyped supplement.

Further reading / sources:

hand holding a pill against a yellow background

Calcium-D-glucarate helps fight Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms

Studies show that Calcium-D-glucarate may help fight Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms. Here I unpack what it is and what it could do for people with Gilbert’s Syndrome. 

What is Calcium-D-glucarate?

Calcium-D-glucarate is naturally found in fruits and vegetables. It’s a combination of calcium with glucaric acid, and is similar to glucaric acid which is found in the body. It is commonly used as a dietary supplement due to its potential health benefits. 

What does Calcium-D-glucarate do and why does it help fight Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms?

Some studies show that Calcium-D-glucarate may have a positive effect on liver health and bile metabolism. It is believed that Calcium-D-glucarate may improve the detoxification process in the liver by increasing the excretion of certain toxins. Importantly for people with Gilbert’s Syndrome this includes bilirubin.

How does Calcium-D-glucarate help fight Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms?

It’s thought that Calcium-D-glucarate stops an enzyme called beta-glucuronidase. This enzyme is responsible for breaking the bond between glucuronic acid and toxins. This lets them be reabsorbed into the body instead of being eliminated. This means that by stopping beta-glucuronidase from working as well, Calcium-D-glucarate may help prevent the reabsorption of bilirubin and other toxins.

Here’s what happens in your body in medical terms: 

Beta-glucuronidase is an enzyme that plays a role in the breakdown of bilirubin in the intestines. It acts by deconjugating bilirubin, converting it back into its unconjugated form, which is less water-soluble. Normally, bilirubin that has been conjugated by UGT1A1 in the liver is excreted into the intestines, where it is further metabolised and eliminated from the body. However, in individuals with Gilbert’s syndrome, the reduced UGT1A1 activity leads to impaired bilirubin conjugation. The presence of beta-glucuronidase in the intestines can cause an increased release of unconjugated bilirubin.

The increased activity of beta-glucuronidase can contribute to higher levels of unconjugated bilirubin. This makes the symptoms of Gilbert’s syndrome worse.

Here’s what this means in ordinary words-

Calcium-D-glucurate gets in the way of chemicals that increase bilirubin and so you can deal with it more easily, if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome. 

Be cautious!

It is always important to note that the available research on Calcium-D-glucarate’s effect on bilirubin is limited. More studies are needed to establish how well it works in reducing Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms. 

Is it the right supplement for you?

Don’t forget – everyone responds differently to supplements too. You might have other conditions that mean that Calcium-D-glucarate isn’t right for you. It does other things, such as affect estrogen levels and some suggest its use for hormone related conditions : Make sure you check with your Doctor before taking it as it could affect other medications. 

You can increase your levels of the glucaric acid element by eating more apples, oranges, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. 

You can also decrease the beta-glucuronidase that may be worsening your symptoms by eating a healthy low fat diet, that includes plenty of fresh fruit and veg. Reducing smoking, alcohol and sugar may also help. Want to find out more about how your diet can help you live a happier life with Gilbert’s Syndrome? Check out this post You can find out more about food and nutrition to help with Gilbert’s Syndrome in the Posts ‘diet’ category here

If you decide you want to get a supplement, try this one. It has good reviews, although badged as for women due to its impact on hormones – you don’t have to be a woman to take it of course.

Want more help?

You can work with me as a health coach to support you in managing your Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms and improving your wellbeing. Find out more here

You can also take the Gilbert’s Syndrome Essentials course which gives you all the basics on Gilbert’s Syndrome and how to manage the top symptoms. Find out more here

So, it sounds like Calcium-D-glucarate just might have a positive impact on bilirubin levels by potentially enhancing the liver’s detoxification processes. However, further research is needed to fully understand its effects, and it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice if you plan to take a supplement. 

You can find out more here

Banish your Gilbert’s Syndrome Brain Fog

Here you’ll find out what brain fog is and its causes. Why is brain fog a Gilbert’s Syndrome symptom? How you can banish brain fog with short, medium and long term tactics. I’ll also signpost you to more help if you need it. Read on!

What is brain fog

‘Brain fog’ describes a collection of different sensations that you feel in your head. Feeling fuzzy or that your thinking is unclear; inability to collect your words and express yourself clearly and concisely; losing the thread of your thoughts; forgetting something a moment after having thought it; disorientation or even dizziness; being easily distracted; a feeling of fatigue or tiredness that isn’t in your muscles.

There are many reasons you might have brain fog

Common causes of brain fog

  • Vitamin deficiency such as Vitamin D or B12, or lacking iron. 
  • Hormonal changes such as during puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause. 
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Long term poor sleep quality.
  • Long term stress or depression.
  • Mental health conditions or neurodiversities such as schizophrenia or ADHD
  • Caffeine withdrawal. 
  • Alcohol dependency
  • Medication, including antihistamines or other over the counter meds such as cold remedies, as well as prescribed medications or medical treatments such as for pain or cancer. 
  • Medical conditions such as hypermobility, chronic fatigue, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, thyroid problems, Gilbert’s Syndrome and many more. 
  • Shift work.
  • Allergies or sensitivities to particular foods.
  • Environmental toxins and chemicals.
  • Trauma.

Why would Gilbert’s Syndrome in particular cause brain fog? 

There’s no definite reason we have brain fog with Gilbert’s Syndrome, but it is a recognised symptom. Let’s take a look at some pieces of scientific research examining bilirubin as a neurotoxin and its ability to pass through the blood brain barrier.

Jaundice and brain fog – Is bilirubin toxic to the brain?

If you have Gilbert’s Syndrome then you produce too much unconjugated bilirubin from time to time. And, yes, this bilirubin is a neurotoxin. But in adults this should cause little problem unless there are excessive levels of bilirubin that are life threatening. Excessive levels of bilirubin are not a part of Gilbert’s Syndrome. Gilbert’s Syndrome produces mild to moderate rises in bilirubin levels.

The science stuff:

Babies can have high levels of bilirubin just after birth, and their brains are not developed to process it the way adults are. This is why bilirubin can be dangerous to newborns. Adult brains have ways to deal with the bilirubin that prevent it from causing damage.  This is noted in the extract from a piece of research below.

However, because bilirubin is neurotoxic, hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn may exceptionally result in death in the neonatal period, or survival with severe neurological sequelae (kernicterus). Bilirubin enters the brain through an intact blood-brain barrier. Clearance of bilirubin from brain partly involves retro-transfer through the blood-brain barrier, and possibly also through the brain-CSF barrier into CSF. Work in our lab during the past 5 years has substantiated earlier work which had suggested that bilirubin may also be metabolized in brain. The responsible enzyme is found on the inner mitochondrial membrane, and oxidizes bilirubin at a rate of 100-300 pmol bilirubin/mg protein/minute. The enzyme activity is lower in the newborn compared with the mature animal, and is also lower in neurons compared with glia.

This article notes some of the effects of Uncojugated Bilirubin (UCB) on the barrier of the brain. The tests are in an artificial environment not actual people. They do note that long term exposure to high levels can cause neurological damage. However, in Gilbert’s Syndrome the levels wouldn’t be high enough for long enough:

In spite of the increased awareness of UCB effects to brain cells (Brites and Brito, 2012), knowledge about its passage across the endothelial monolayer, the rate in which this passage is achieved, and its effects on the integrity of the brain endothelial barrier is scarce …

In conclusion, our data demonstrate that UCB impairs barrier function in an in vitro model of the human BBB. Interestingly, this interaction involves dual effects that depend on the time of incubation, with early transcytosis and late paracellular pathways facilitating UCB entrance into the brain (Figure 8). Collectively, these results underscore the need of prompt clinical intervention in cases of lasting hyperbilirubinemia to prevent BIND and related irreversible CNS damage.

As this piece notes, there are other enzymes in the adult brain that protect the brain from neurotoxic effects: 

Owing to its lipid soluble nature, bilirubin may cross the blood-brain barrier and thus enter the brain. Its clearance from the brain is ensured by the presence of an enzyme on the inner mitochondrial membrane, which aids in the oxidation of bilirubin, thus protecting against its neurotoxic effects. The mechanism of toxicity is yet obscure, but bilirubin has a higher affinity to settle in glia and neurons.

The question is – does the effect of higher bilirubin result in sensations of brain fog, although it doesn’t appear to cause long term damage? The studies don’t appear to answer that explicitly. Bilirubin might be a factor. If you manage your Gilbert’s Syndrome and have fewer episodes of raised bilirubin this should hopefully lead to less brain fog.


If you’ve been experiencing a long term episode of brain fog it’s a good idea to go to see your health professional. I experienced brain fog and disorientation which I thought was Gilbert’s Syndrome at first. After a couple of weeks I went to see my Doctor. It turned out to be a vitamin deficiency and I got better after a week or two of treatment.

If you are experiencing a symptom flare up, or regular episodes, then you could try a number of things that might help relieve the symptoms. (Please do always consult your Doctor if your symptoms are unusual. I’m not a medical Doctor and I am not qualified to provide medical advice. )

Quick(er) fixes

Hydration! Ok, so it’s really true that a lot of people just don’t drink enough and this directly affects your ability to think. If you are feeling sluggish a glass of water could be the simple answer. 

Nutrition – I have already mentioned that some deficiencies can cause problems. If you’ve had a long episode of brain fog that isn’t going away then do see your Doctor. This is particularly important if you take medication that can prevent you absorbing vitamins.

There are lots of foods that can optimise your health and brain health especially. I talk more about specific foods below. A balanced plant predominant wholefood diet is the best for overall health. This reduces junk highly processed foods that can cause you to feel generally unwell over time. 

Alcohol, sugar and caffeine can all mess with energy levels and cause issues if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome. Of course as noted below and elsewhere, caffeine can help some people. 

Exercise – Encouraging blood flow to your brain through exercise is an easy fix, short, long and medium term. It helps your brain stay healthy for longer. Just don’t embark on sudden vigorous exercise if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome – or your symptoms may be triggered. Even standing and moving about the room on a regular basis can help.

Sleep quality is really important. There are many reasons you could experience poor sleep and brain fog can result. Improving sleep quality may resolve the issue. Sometimes life gets in the way of sleep! In which case you could try other tactics such as stress reduction, pacing or supplements to help bolster your energy.

Stress reduction or managing response to stress eg meditation, hypnotherapy, counselling, cbt, can help you deal with stressful or anxious thinking that are preventing you from thinking clearly. 

These are all lifestyle interventions that can reduce your Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms overall. Other posts talk about some of these in relation to managing Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms. Here are links to some:

I have produced a Gilbert’s Syndrome Essentials course that can help you with the main Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms. The course has additional advice and resources to help you get started on your journey to a happier and healthier life with Gilbert’s Syndrome. Read more

To develop a personalised programme you might want to work with a health coach who can help you get a plan to improve your wellbeing based on your individual circumstances. They can help you track and manage symptoms together with you.

Tracking and managing symptoms

If you’ve tried a few things and they haven’t worked, then maybe you need to take a more detailed look at what’s happening and when.

Can you pinpoint episodes? Is there something that happens beforehand. Try a symptom tracker. It may be something that happens the day before or a couple of days before that is the trigger. You might then be able to avoid the problem or adjust your lifestyle to reduce exposure or experience the symptoms when they’ll have less impact. 

For example, I had a once weekly commute to a distant city which was an eight hour round trip on top of a day of long meetings. The next day I would feel absolutely drained, and overwhelmed by brain fog. I made sure that was my final working day of the week or adjusted my hours to ensure a short working day afterwards with no complex tasks. 


A similar kind of symptom management is ‘pacing’. If you find that after certain activities or an active period you experience brain fog or fatigue, then balancing your activities might mean you have fewer episodes. If you have a chronic health condition then pushing through is not usually the best method of living better with your condition. Pacing, a practice tested and developed with people who have chronic fatigue conditions, has been shown to work well in managing symptoms including brain fog.

The organisation for people with Ehlers Danlos and other hypermobility conditions has a guide that is useful:

Action for ME have a useful booklet on pacing that sets it out in great detail if you want to have a go

How pacing works: First you would analyse when your activities are triggering your brain fog. Then limit those activities by initially reducing considerably or down to within a minimum. Only increase activity if that doesn’t result in symptoms. It takes time and planning, but it can get you off a treadmill of repeated brain fog and fatigue episodes. Sometimes you may blow your activity budget for a special occasion. At least you know what to expect and can set time aside, or practice self care to recover more quickly.

If you have ensured you are deficiency free, don’t have other health issues that aren’t treated, are eating well, reducing your exposure to caffeine, sugar and alcohol, sleeping well and are managing stress, plus there are no specific triggers to avoid then you are likely to have fewer episodes. There are plenty of posts to help with some of those aspects of living better with Gilbert’s Syndrome. You can also take the Gilbert’s Syndrome Essentials course for a grounding in dealing with some of the key symptoms. 

Long term brain health

You can support your brain function for the long term too.

Adding berries into  your breakfast could increase concentration and focus. This may be because the antioxidants reduce inflammation and support blood flow. They also support brain plasticity, enabling it to organise itself better See this study

And in this study, blueberry juice was found to help brain function

Nut intake has also been linked to better capability to pass cognitive tests in later life for women in this study

Caffeine can have short and long term benefits if you can tolerate it. It may protect against Alzheimer’s but this is thought to be because of the antioxidants. Although caffeine has its benefits, it can potentially work against you if you are trying to balance your energy levels and issues such as brain fog. Becoming reliant on a psychoactive stimulant can make it harder to manage your fluctuating fuzzy head symptoms. Here’s my post on Gilbert’s Syndrome and caffeine


You can add supplements into your healthy living plan or toolkit. Or, you may just need an extra boost during an episode. Here are some you might try. 

Ashwagandha and

Rhodiola are adaptogens that help balance stress and energy levels, enabling great energy stability. They don’t work overnight, but can provide a general foundation for balancing energy and improving sleep.

Add in Gotu Kola if you need a gentle lift more immediately. I find it acts like caffeine, but without the agitation, rapid heart beat and discomfort that I experience with coffee due to my sensitivity. I use it if I have a demanding task and I’ve perhaps had a poor night’s sleep or have a flare up of fatigue for another reason. Studies show its use in a wide range of conditions. It is thought to protect the brain, support brain health, help mood and even work as a painkiller 

If you are experiencing an overall increase in your Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms and feeling hungover, perhaps jaundiced, nauseous etc, you might want to add in supplements such as zinc sulphate to reduce bilirubin levels. Some people also take NAC. Read more about how they impact bilirubin here:

Some people take calcium d glucarate to help with the glucuronidation (detox pathways in the liver), and dandelion root is also thought to help 

More help and info

I hope I’ve given you lots of ideas to try to help banish brain fog. If you would like more support to develop a lifestyle that supports a healthier and happier life with Gilbert’s Syndrome, you can find the Gilbert’s Syndrome Essentials Course and plans for personal support and coaching to help you here.

Get regular updates on the latest help for Gilbert’s Syndrome on twitter and instagram

Do let me know if you experience brain fog and if anything has helped you by sharing your comments below.

Beware B12 vitamin deficiency when you have Gilbert’s Syndrome

Tell me more about B12…

B vitamins are vital for energy and to manage stress. Vitamin B12 is a superhero that helps support your red blood cells, nerves and is essential to your DNA, as well as many other processes in your body.

Why is understanding B12 vitamin deficiency even more important when I have Gilbert’s Syndrome?

For people with Gilbert’s Syndrome it’s particularly important to get enough of this vitamin because B12 deficiency can result in hyperbilirubinemia (the buildup of bilirubin in your body). Combined with Gilbert’s Syndrome this can be acute. But this symptom could also be dismissed because you have Gilbert’s Syndrome.  It’s vital to know you have Gilbert’s Syndrome, and its symptoms, so you can include that knowledge when in a medical situation. But it’s also important not to dismiss symptoms as JUST Gilbert’s Syndrome, when they could be something else. 

Having a B12 deficiency could give you similar symptoms to a Gilbert’s Syndrome flare up – so do not dismiss it when you feel unwell for longer than usual. 

If you don’t have enough B12 your ability to produce S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) is affected, which has been shown to help process bilirubin in people with Gilbert’s Syndrome.

Low on energy? Known as “The Energy Vitamin”, Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells and also helps maintain a healthy heart. A deficiency in B12 can cause you to feel tired and fatigued, affect your nervous system and can also cause anaemia. Click to learn more and for your discount!

From Dr Vegan

Cases and research showing impact of B12 deficiency on Gilbert’s Syndrome.

Case reports and research: 

You might be interested to read about this case, where a woman with vitamin B12 deficiency also had Gilbert’s Syndrome. Treatment with vitamin B12 led to much improved symptoms.

This article on ‘food fadism’ and GS increasing jaundice is also interesting.

(In my opinion, the headline is misleading. Many people will be eating a predominantly plant diet for a variety of reasons which may be economic, cultural or religious – not just a ‘fad’). It may be worth noting that in this study all but one of the patients are male, and this is in an Indian cohort – which has a different UGT1a1 string (the Gilbert’s Syndrome gene) to other populations. However the case report I also link to above is for a caucasian woman, and it does corroborate the findings. This means these findings are relevant across different biological variations of Gilbert’s Syndrome. 

The research illustrates the need to ensure your diet has the right nutrition, whatever foods you eat.

Many people may be below optimum ranges for B12. This study : shows that in India 47% of people may be deficient in B12 . Studies indicate that B12 deficiency may be at rates between 6% and 20% in the UK and US, 40% in South American countries, and up to 70% in countries on the continent of Africa. This is from a 2014 paper, and more recent studies 

Important things to take away from the research about B12 vitamin deficiency and Gilbert’s Syndrome. 

What’s important to note is that there are two main implications 

  1. You may have jaundice for a reason that is not directly due to Gilbert’s Syndrome, even if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome
  2. B12 deficiency will likely make your jaundice and other symptoms WORSE:

‘aggravating pre-existing indirect hyperbilirubinemia in Gilbert’s syndrome patients’

If you have jaundice that is not clearing up, or prolonged fatigue, brain fog etc – then it is always worth checking if there are other causes. If B12 deficiency is the cause then simple supplementation will have a considerable positive effect. Which is worth knowing!

What could cause B12 deficiency?

Causes of B12 deficiency are usually one of the following:

  • Age:  As we get older our stomach acid reduces which means we don’t break down the B12 into forms that can be absorbed easily by our body.  
  • Medical conditions: such as Celiac or Crohn’s disease will prevent the stomach from absorbing B12 properly, as will gastric bypasses or stomach parasites. You may also have a condition called pernicious anaemia, which results in B12 deficiency.
  • Some medications: such as metformin (used to support people with diabetes) and proton pump inhibitors (stomach acid suppressants) will interfere with how B12 is broken down and absorbed. 
  • Diet: if you aren’t careful to ensure that you are regularly eating food that contains B12, then you may become deficient over time. Modern industrial farming methods have depleted natural sources of B12 in our food.

What are the symptoms of B12 deficiency – and why you should know about them if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome symptoms. 

For milder deficiency you may feel tired, be pale or jaundiced if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome. You may get dizzy and feel weak, your heart may beat too quickly. A sore tongue and loss of appetite, plus other digestive disturbances might occur.

Longer term, more serious deficiencies can have very serious impacts. You may become clumsy as you lose nerve control and there is neurological damage. It may feel like you have dementia as your memory is impaired. You may even experience hallucinations and psychosis. Heart conditions and infertility can also result. 

What range is normal for B12?

The normal range for vitamin B12 can vary slightly depending on the lab. But a normal level of vitamin B12 in your bloodstream is generally between 190 and 950 picograms per milliliter (pg/mL). Between 200 to 300 pg/mL is considered borderline and your doctor may do more testing. Below 200 pg/mL is low and more testing is needed.

More on deficiency

It can take a long time for deficiency to occur as the body stores last for a long time. 

How should I make sure I am not B12 vitamin deficient?

In the past we absorbed it from the soil that produced our food. Modern farming and intensive production have exhausted our soil and sanitised our food. Now, sources of food that have B12 have to be fortified. You can get B12 from eating animals, but that’s because they’ve been given supplements themselves. You can cut out the middle by going straight to the supplement.

Taking a supplement is an easy way to get around a deficiency. It’s thought to be safe to take in any volume, as it is water soluble and so too much will be passed out of the body. Only a small amount of the supplement version is absorbed. This fact sheet gives different B12 amounts based on source, and the percentage absorption of separate supplements.

You may need more if you are older or breastfeeding, for example. If you are already deficient then extra may be taken for a while ahead of reducing to a maintenance supplement. 

If you have a condition that affects the stomach or bowel, such as Crohn’s, you may need injections rather than an oral supplement. 

How much B12 should I take?

In the US the National Institute of Health recommends 2.4mcg for an adult, more for a pregnant person. In the UK the  NHS recommends 1.5mcg.

Dietary supplements

Vitamin B12 is available in multivitamin/mineral supplements, in supplements containing other B-complex vitamins, and in supplements containing only vitamin B12. 

Multivitamin/mineral supplements typically contain vitamin B12 at doses ranging from 5 to 25 mcg ( Vitamin B12 levels are higher, generally 50–500 mcg, in supplements containing vitamin B12 with other B-complex vitamins and even higher, typically 500–1,000 mcg, in supplements containing only vitamin B12.

The most common form of vitamin B12 in dietary supplements is cyanocobalamin. Other forms of vitamin B12 in supplements are adenosylcobalamin, methylcobalamin, and hydroxycobalamin .

No evidence indicates that absorption rates of vitamin B12 in supplements vary by form of the vitamin. 

Basically – you can take a little extra in the form of a multivitamin, or you can focus on your B vitamins or B12 in particular, in which case you’ll get a larger dose. However, the type of B12 and massively increasing the dose to above 1,000mcg isn’t going to substantially increase your level of B12 absorbed. 

This supplement from Drvegan is high quality and dedicated to keeping your B12 topped up!

Final thoughts on staying well

The great news is that it’s easy to treat deficiency with supplementation and mild symptoms will quickly improve. More importantly, many people could have less than optimal B12 levels, which shows how important balanced nutrition is. 

A plant based diet is great for health and yeast extract and yeast flakes can be an important addition. Or – cereal, bread, multivitamins may all include your essential B12. 

Not everyone has the resources to afford food that has the best nutrition, or age, illness or other factors may mean that their food isn’t providing what is needed for good health. 

In the UK we are fortunate that our NHS Doctors will usually seek a blood test when symptoms mentioned present themselves. This would quickly highlight any concerns. The solution is then simple and cost effective. 

With increasingly poor diet quality and depletion of soil quality, it is important to be aware that your food intake may need to be addressed to ensure you get the best from it. Simple adjustments can balance out any gaps. You could address issues that are making you feel much worse than you need to, and are exacerbating your Gilbert’s Syndrome! 

More background reading sources on B12:

By staying informed you are taking a step towards protecting your good health and wellbeing. Try out the health and nutrition tips on the website.

Stay up to date with the research through these posts by subscribing

Follow @GilbertsSyndrom on twitter for regular tips and support. 

Get health coach support to ensure you are looking after your wellbeing with someone trained to help.

Wishing you good health and wellbeing!

image Michelle Blackwell Unsplash

Fatigue – or how can I boost my energy?

As many as one in five people feel fatigued at any time. If you’ve been feeling exhausted then you’ll want to know: Why am I so tired all the time; how can I get more energy?

Fatigue – what is it?

Fatigue is a symptom of many health conditions and life circumstances. Technically fatigue is one or more of these:

  • Overwhelming exhaustion that lingers beyond a good night’s sleep
  • Sleepiness and a lack of motivation to move about that doesn’t go away if you rest
  • A limiting lack of energy that prevents you from getting normal tasks done
  • Feeling like your muscles are too heavy and moving about takes energy you don’t have
  • Foggy achy head, finding it difficult to think or concentrate
  • Apathy and disinterest – everything feels too much

If you feel like this for more than a few days, for a reason that’s not clear, then you must see your doctor.

Is fatigue common?

Yes! Numerous studies across different populations show fatigue is common. You can find many studies, such as this one which illustrate that women tend to report fatigue more than men, and those of lower socioeconomic status also experience more fatigue. Across populations it appears above 20% of people report fatigue. 

What causes fatigue?

Excessive tiredness can be caused by simple or serious health conditions. Common deficiencies of vitamins and minerals have tiredness as a symptom. There are many life circumstances which can leave you feeling exhausted. Let’s look at a few in more detail:

Life Stage : A new baby, a new job, grief or a crisis, moving house, caring responsibilities, overwork, stress at home or in the workplace.

Medical conditions: commonly, as you can see on the NHS website, and the Mayo Clinic , conditions causing fatigue include diabetes, depression, cancer, thyroid, coeliac disease, fibromyalgia, liver problems, MS, hormonal changes, heart disease and sleep apnoea, and so many more. This is why it is so important to receive a diagnosis if you experience fatigue which doesn’t let up over time. 

Deficiencies: Iron deficiency (experienced by many women with heavy or prolonged periods), Vitamin D deficiency (common if you live in the northern hemisphere where we aren’t exposed to strong sunlight which generates vitamin D), magnesium (particularly common in women), and an imbalance in good nutrition generally. Some people have metabolic conditions which prevent them from absorbing nutrients well and this can result in multiple deficiencies.

Poor choice of foods which attack energy levels: Food high in sugar or refined carbohydrates provide instant energy. Your body will then have a crash in blood sugar which will make you feel exhausted. Wholegrains, plant based proteins, and wholefoods containing natural sugars will balance your energy levels and make you feel a whole lot better. A high intake of caffeine may also leave you struggling later in the day. (For more about the pro’s and cons of caffeine read this).

A combination of the above!

Unpicking the causes of your fatigue is really important. You must rule out serious health problems, working with your Dr.

Does Gilbert’s Syndrome cause fatigue?

For people with Gilbert’s Syndrome lack of energy is a really commonly reported symptom. I hear all the time from people desperate with debilitating exhaustion, with energy levels that are unpredictable.

There are a number of reasons why people with Gilbert’s Syndrome may feel exhausted. 

  • Reduced liver function. If you eat highly refined carbohydrates such as white bread or sugary things, your blood sugar will rise and fall a lot. This means the enzyme we’re deficient in cannot work as well as it needs blood sugar. The result is your liver won’t do its cleaning job effectively and certain toxins and bilirubin will build up in your body. Typically feelings of exhaustion, jaundice, itching and nausea are reported. You may feel a bit like you have a persistent hangover.  Of course consuming toxins may add to that effect, eg alcohol.
  • Delayed gastric emptying. Food takes longer to leave your stomach if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome. I’m sure many recognise the abdominal discomfort that entails! This has been linked to fatigue .  It is also worth noting that it is also linked to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Which itself has often been linked to Gilbert’s Syndrome.
  • Excess serotonin. People with Gilbert’s Syndrome have defective processing of certain neurotransmitters (chemicals that send messages around the brain and nervous system). This can lead to raised levels of Serotonin for example, which is linked to feelings of lethargy and lack of motivation as well as anxiety.

How do I get more energy?

Assuming you don’t have a particular condition or issue that is causing you to feel exhausted, then there are four simple foundations to build your energy on

  1. Good Nutrition
  2. Exercise 
  3. Good Sleep
  4. Mental resilience

The great thing about these four things is that they support each other. 

Eat well and be properly nourished and you’ll exercise better and get better sleep. Better sleep will help you be mentally resilient and give you more muscle energy for exercise. Exercise will help you be more mentally resilient etc etc 

  1. Good Nutrition. A plant based whole food diet has been overwhelmingly shown to provide you with the most sustained energy, lifespan and wellbeing. Eating a variety of plants, legumes, nuts, seeds and wholegrains will ensure you don’t need any vitamin supplements. With all food patterns you need to make sure you aren’t missing anything out. For vegans that means ensuring you get Vitamin B12. Things that will suck your energy and not enhance your wellbeing include refined sugar, other refined and processed foods. If you want the ultimate nutrition facts then dig in here and buy the book ‘How not to die’ . I offer other thoughts on foods to eat here The How Not to Die cookbook has lots of tasty recipes and you can see from the reviews that many readers report increased energy.
  2. Exercise should ideally be a mix of activities that raise your heart rate and which challenge your posture and muscles both in terms of flexibility and density. Walking briskly combined with pilates (plenty free videos on youtube) are simple cost free and energising. If you aren’t up to a great deal of exercise, then just start with walking a small distance and build up. Even standing up for a while engages muscles. Adding in exercise is something that needs to become a habit or you won’t stick to it. Stand up whilst you are on the phone or watching a favourite programme, take a 20 minute walk at lunchtime, do squats in the shower or whilst brushing your teeth, dance to a favourite song for 5 minutes when you get home from work. Every bit of movement is helping you stay fit and well.
  3. Good quality sleep is vital. Research shows that our circadian rhythm (our body clock) is really important to when we feel awake and when we sleep well. Just making sure your bedroom is really dark can make a big difference to your body clock. Getting plenty of light in the morning will also help you feel alert and awake during the day and sleep better in the morning. There are lots of ways to deal with bad sleep – which I won’t go into here. It’s enough to say that regular sleep hours in a dark room without interruption are fundamental to good quality sleep. There are many books on the subject. Try the popular ‘Sleep Smarter’ by Shawn Stevenson  
  4. Mental resilience is a quality many of us feel we could develop more. It enables you to put the ups and downs of life into perspective. With mental resilience you will better cope when something bad happens in your day or your life, and will worry less about it. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t worry, be upset, grieve or be without feelings. It means you can do those natural things and then move on in time. If you want to understand more about living without anxiety you can buy ‘The Anxiety Solution’ by Chloe Brotheridge or find resources at and Chloe’s podcast. You can also find out more about mental resilience and ‘grit’ here Another great way to build up your mental resilience is through meditation. If it isn’t something you have considered or have found difficult in the past, then you could try these simple and effective tools from Mind Cards:

If you are doing the right things and are still feeling fatigued then you really need your doctor’s help to look into underlying medical conditions. 

Your personal biology will need a personalised response so that it works the best way it can for you and your circumstances. 

Sometimes this may mean prescription medication or balancing up other elements of your nutrition, supplements or lifestyle. 

Beating fatigue in Gilbert’s Syndrome

So, let’s take a look at what this might mean if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome. As mentioned, there are specific reasons you’ll feel fatigued. Everyone with Gilbert’s Syndrome will have other things going on for them too – other chronic conditions, lifestyle or life stage issues, hormonal changes etc. This means that some things may work some of the time and you may need to adjust because of what is going on for you right now. 

What you put in is key to what you get out

Many people with Gilbert’s Syndrome steer clear of alcohol as it really messes with their wellbeing and energy levels. You may want to consider this for other chemicals and potential toxins to lighten the load on your liver. This would mean a plant based wholefood diet which avoids processed and refined foods. Ideally organic! Particularly good foods include broccoli, nuts and seeds. . Keep it low in refined sugar and make sure to include limited good fats of plant origin. 

Drinking plenty of water will also ensure you stay hydrated and support the removal of toxins from your body. 

Eat little and often. For a couple of reasons. 

1) to maintain stable blood sugar levels 

2) with delayed gastric emptying a large meal will make you feel uncomfortable and make it harder to move about. 

This isn’t an excuse to pack in more food, unless that means eating more vegetables! Look at what you would like to eat over the day or week and portion it out. If you do it ahead of time you won’t have to think about it. 

Antidepressants in the form of SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) can help for some people. If you feel your anxiety or low mood are overwhelming then you must speak to your doctor and get their advice and diagnosis. These are also prescribed for IBS (again, something that people with Gilbert’s Syndrome have a high rate of) and may be a useful treatment option to consider – in dialogue with your doctor. This may improve your sleep, mental resilience and energy levels. However, as some people with Gilbert’s Syndrome may have raised levels of serotonin, as mentioned above, then you need to be cautious of side effects. Some brands may work better than others.

Supplements. Extra ingredients that can give you a boost or added support to your system are basically just plants in powdered form in a capsule. Some of the supplements offering additional energy balancing and support include types of ginseng, rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha etc available at Approved Vitamins and have been used safely for thousands of years. I list some supplements you can try in the Resources section.

I use rhodiola rosea and ashwagandha and have seen an impressive improvement in my ability to function. I occasionally add in gotu kola towards the end of the week or if I’ve not had a great night’s sleep, or have extra physical or mental demands. It works like a really gentle caffeine that doesn’t have the come-down effects.

Some people find caffeine works well at the right points of the day – find out more about caffeine here and let us know how it makes you feel

Sleep appears to be a really important factor in feeling well, when you have Gilbert’s Syndrome. A good 8 hours can make a world of difference. Some of the supplements I mention above can help sleep. Follow the suggestions in the four foundations section above. Resist the temptation to lie in bed and doze or rest without sleep. This won’t help you sleep later. Keep bed for specific night time hours if you can, and keep your sleep routine and hours regular. Being active during the day will help you sleep better later.

Anxiety can stop you sleeping and suck your energy whilst awake. If it’s overwhelming then seek help from your Dr. I mention Chloe Brotheridge’s work above, but also Mind and other websites have many pointers for help. Mindfulness is a well founded technique for calming your mind and should guarantee better sleep and more energy. You can find some free apps here. As mentioned above, these are also a really simple and effective tool to help try mediation:

I’d really like to hear what your experience is. If you follow the lifestyle above has it changed your energy levels? I found becoming vegan, eating plant based, adding in supplements and building mental resilience transformed my energy levels. What’s worked for you? Please comment. 

Remember – many people feel fatigued. There are basic principles to seize more energy. Plus – there’s the magic ingredient of you and your physiology to consider. Get medical support where needed, and understand your health conditions. You’ll then be in control of your energy and your life. 

Gilbert’s Syndrome and Caffeine

What does caffeine do for the liver, and what is the relationship between Gilbert’s Syndrome and caffeine? Many studies now combine to illustrate the positive effects of caffeine on a number of aspects of health and wellbeing.

You can help reveal the impact of caffeine on people with Gilbert’s Syndrome. Get a free download here and answer a handful of questions – it will take less than 5 minutes, and you could help us all live better with Gilbert’s Syndrome. Thank you!

Naturally, it’s not a simple picture.  Everyone has a different genetic and metabolic profile (we’re all made differently!). Each individual has a unique way of processing any chemical or food. This can also be impacted by your lifestyle, age and even time of the month. My goal is to help you personalise your nutrition so that you can take the research, advice and your experience and see what works best for you.  

I’ve been through the research and summarize and link to it below. This post also gives you the benefit of looking through the science as it relates to Gilbert’s Syndrome, but ultimately – I am not a doctor, I am not YOUR doctor, and the best expert on you – is YOU. 

That said, let’s look at liver health and caffeine, and particularly Gilbert’s Syndrome and caffeine

As Professor Graeme Alexander President, British Association for the Study of the Liver Consultant Hepatologist at Cambridge University Hospitals and The Royal Free Hospital, London said, in a study published by the British Liver Trust in 2016, “At last, liver physicians have found a lifestyle habit that is good for your liver!’

The report pulls together studies that look at liver diseases which are developed or acquired, not genetic conditions that impact the liver, like Gilbert’s Syndrome. However, it’s worth looking at the conclusions and the basis of the studies to see what we can draw from those. 

The bottom line is that it appears caffeine can slow disease progression, help prevent liver cancer and support the anti-viral functions of the liver. 

Other conditions also show a beneficial impact, such as diabetes and stroke. 

‘eighteen studies involving almost half a million people that show overall that coffee, decaffeinated coffee and tea do slightly reduce risk of diabetes.’

One stunning assertion from a study in the report showed that :

‘Coffee appears to have a significant effect on all-cause mortality. The National Institutes of HealthAmerican Association of Retired Persons Diet and Health Study involving 229,119 men and 173,141 women demonstrated an inverse relationship between coffee consumption and mortality. In other words, coffee drinkers had a reduction in mortality compared with non-coffee drinkers.’

Any old caffeine? 

Some of the questions raised include the benefits of tea (or other caffeinated beverages) versus coffee. It appears that coffee itself contains beneficial compounds (particularly those found in the green beans) that other caffeinated drinks do not. And that decaffeinated coffee can have some benefits associated with coffee drinking. 

How much should I drink?

Rightly cautious advice about drinking too much coffee or consuming too much caffeine is flagged. Too much caffeine can have an adverse effect on other conditions, from pregnancy to conditions where medication might be impacted. The difference between men and women is only really significant if you are taking hormonal supplements or, as mentioned, you are pregnant. A moderate 2 to 3 cups a day is suggested by the report authors. 

One factoid of interest – caffeine metabolisation is twice as fast in smokers as non-smokers.

Coffee Caution

Everybody reacts differently to substances and caffeine is itself quite a powerful stimulant. If you have anxiety or depression then do NOT suddenly start drinking lots of coffee! It raises levels of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Plus, it can raise blood pressure. 

Although coffee can enhance energy and alertness, it can also trigger certain conditions, and decaffeinated coffee might provide some benefits without the downsides for people who react strongly to caffeine. However, as noted in Medical News Today In 2013, a study published in World Journal of Biological Psychiatry suggested that drinking between 2–4 cups of coffee a day may reduce suicide risk in adults.

Caffeine is in fact a psychoactive substance and should not be overused. Most studies suggest that more than 400mg of caffeine a day could have adverse effects (probably more than 4 cups of coffee). Plus, as well as the caution for pregnant women, there is a lack of information about how it can impact the growing, changing and susceptible brains of children and adolescents. 

If you would like to read the studies and explore the associated articles on this, then do read the report.

You can also watch this video from Dr Greger at nutrition facts (buy his excellent book ‘How Not to Die’ which looks at many health conditions and how to optimise your diet to live longer and better).

Dr Greger rightly raises the fact that people metabolise coffee / caffeine very differently. This different metabolisation can result in very different responses, harms and benefits. 

Gilbert’s Syndrome and Caffeine

In the catchily titled piece of scientific research: Caffeine Clearance in Subjects With Constitutional Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia

The abstract concludes: ‘CAF altered kinetics in 27% of GS cases may suggest multiple deficits in the hepatocellular metabolism, thus confirming the heterogeneity of this syndrome.’

Ie. caffeine altered the reaction rates in 27% of Gilbert’s Syndrome cases, suggesting that the liver wasn’t processing as well, demonstrating (once again) that Gilbert’s Syndrome has different elements or characteristics. 

(It didn’t seem to impact bilirubin levels or bile acids, though.)

As with many studies into Gilbert’s Syndrome, the conclusions note that there are in fact differences in how our livers process things. But, as is so often the case, this is not taken further, to examine just what that means to the lifestyle management for someone with Gilbert’s Syndrome. 

The implication here is that people with Gilbert’s Syndrome might find coffee or caffeine impacts them negatively, and I’ve written elsewhere how coffee or caffeine can impact energy levels in a way that you may find unhelpful. Stable energy levels and blood sugar are important for the liver enzymes we are deficient in to work properly. We can also experience anxiety as a symptom. These both suggest we would need to be careful around our coffee / caffeine consumption. 

Of course, energy levels can also be an issue if you have Gilbert’s Syndrome. Fatigue is a common symptom of Gilbert’s Syndrome. It would be great to be able to reach for caffeine as a pick me up, to break through that brain fog and boost your concentration!

What caffeine to try when you have Gilbert’s Syndrome

If you want to try caffeine in a different format to coffee, there are additional benefits in trying something like green tea, which has other beneficial effects. Clipper produce an organic and ethically traded tea that you can buy online or in many large supermarkets

Another option is a green coffee bean supplement

If you want to explore alternatives to coffee then there are other natural stimulants which are more gentle which may help with your energy levels. I take adaptogens to balance my stress and energy levels and have found my energy more resilient as a result.

This Rhodiola from Viridian has been a daily staple for me for many years

Ashwagandha is a great herb for the end of the day.

plus gotu kola which can provide an extra, but gentle, boost that can help concentration levels when they start to flag

I personally find coffee or caffeine makes me feel quite unwell. I don’t seem to metabolise it comfortably and it leaves me feeling frazzled and sick. I’d love to hear more about whether you find coffee or caffeine helps you, and what your experiences are with it. Please do comment and share your story here. 

This website is dedicated to helping people like you live better with Gilbert’s Syndrome, I hope you find the information interesting and useful – if you do, please consider donating to keep it going. Because so many people struggle to find help and support to live with Gilbert’s Syndrome, please donate today – THANK YOU!

Helping your liver deal better with toxins

Good news! The detox process of the liver which won’t work as well for people with Gilbert’s Syndrome is called Glucuronidation and this process can be helped with Calcium D-Glucarate, glycine, magnesium, and b vitamins.

  • Calcium D Glucarate can be taken as tablets or capsules, but is also available in apples, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and bean sprouts.
  • Glycine is an amino acid and in high-protein foods, such as fish, meat, beans, milk, and cheese. Glycine is also available in capsule and powder forms, and as part of many combination amino acid supplements.
  • Spices, nuts, cereals, coffee, cocoa, tea, and vegetables are rich sources of magnesium. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are also rich in magnesium as they contain chlorophyll. Magnesium supplements are widely available and often with calcium and vitamin c which help its absorption. The best absorbed types of magnesium are citrate and malate, rather than the cheaper form of oxide.
  • B vitamins are available in many different foods (see the NHS website), but the easiest ways of accessing them are through yeast extracts such as Marmite, and fortified cereals.

So why not help yourself and make sure your diet contains a good balance of foods that may help your liver to work better.

Glucuronidation – where Gilbert’s Syndrome works in your liver

The UGT enzyme (that people with Gilbert’s Syndrome don’t have so much of) works in one particular part of your liver and is responsible for the part (or pathway) of your liver’s processing called ‘glucuronidation’. Glucuronidation happens when toxins are bound to glucuronic acid which is produced by the liver. Chemicals processed by glucuronidation include common opiate based drugs used in pain relief or during surgery  (Liston, H.; Markowitz, J.; Devane, C. (2001). “Drug glucuronidation in clinical psychopharmacology”. Journal of clinical psychopharmacology). Other things that affect glucuronidation include smoking, obesity, age and gender.

You can find a list of drugs affected here:

Some herbal supplements may help glucuronidation (Effects of herbal supplements on drug glucuronidation. Review of clinical, animal, and in vitro studies. March 2011 Mohamed ME, Frye RF.Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32610, USA.)The use of herbal supplements has increased steadily over the last decade. Recent surveys show that many people who take herbal supplements also take prescription and nonprescription drugs, increasing the risk for potential herb-drug interactions. In vitro and animal studies indicate that cranberry, gingko biloba, grape seed, green tea, hawthorn, milk thistle, noni, soy, St. John’s wort, and valerian are rich in phytochemicals that can modulate UGT enzymes. However, the IN VIVO consequences of these interactions are not well understood. Only three clinical studies have investigated the effects of herbal supplements on drugs cleared primarily through UGT enzymes. The need for further research to determine the clinical consequences of the described interactions is highlighted.

Essential for Glucuronidation are the nutrients L-glutamine, aspartic acid, iron, magnesium, B3 (niacin) and B6. Thyroid should also be adequate. Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, cress, bok choy, broccoli and similar green leaf vegetables) are helpful. Glucuronidation efficiency can be improved by calcium-d-glucarate. However, you have to start very gradually with the calcium-d-glucarate, and be very consistent.

You can find out more about glucuronidation here

Milk Thistle (Sylbum marianum )

The medicinal use of milk thistle can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome.  Today researchers around the world have completed more than 300 scientific studies that attest to the benefits of this herb, particularly in the treatment of liver ailments.

Common uses:

  •        Protects liver from toxins, including drugs, poisons and chemicals.
  •        Treats liver disorders such as cirrhosis and hepatitis
  •        Reduces liver damage from excessive alcohol.
  •        Aids in the treatment and prevention of gallstones
  •        Helps to clear psoriasis.

Forms : capsule, tablet, tincture.

What it is.

Know by its botanical name, Silybum marianum, as well as by its main active ingredient, sylmarin, milk thistle is a member of the sunflower family, with purple flowers and milky white leaf veins.  The herb blooms from June to August, and the shiny black seeds used for medicinal purposes are collected at the end of the summer.

What it does.

Milk thistle is one of the most extensively studied and document herbs in use today.  Scientific research continues to validate its healing powers, particularly for the treatment of liver-related disorders.  Most of its effectiveness stems from a complex of three liver-protecting compounds, collectively know as silymarin, which constitutes 4% to 6% of the ripe seeds.

Major benefits.

Among the benefits of milk thistle is its ability to fortify the liver, one of the body’s most important organs.  The liver processes nutrients, including fats and other foods.  In addition it neutralises, or detoxifies many drugs, chemical pollutants and alcohol.  Milk thistle helps to enhance and strengthen the liver by preventing the depletion of glutathione, an amino acid-like compound that is essential to the detoxifying process.  Moreover, studies have shown that it can increase glutathione concentration by up to 35%.  Milk thistle is an effective gatekeeper, limiting the number of toxins which the liver processes at any given time.  The herb is also a powerful antioxidant.  Even more potent than vitamins C and E, it helps to prevent damage from highly reactive free-radical molecules.  It promotes the regeneration of new liver cells which replace old and damaged one.  Milk thistle eases a range of serious liver ailments, including viral infections (hepatitis) and scarring of the liver (cirrhosis).  The herb is so potent that it is sometimes given in an injectable form in hospital resuscitation rooms to combat the life-threatening, liver-obliterating effects of poisonous mushrooms.  In addition, because excessive alcohol depletes glutathione, milk thistle can aid in protecting the livers of alcoholics or those recovering from alcohol abuse.

 Additional benefits.

In cancer patients, milk thistle limits the potential for drug-induced damage to the liver after chemotherapy, and it speeds recovery by hastening the removal of toxic substances that can accumulate in the body.  The herb also reduces the inflammation and may slow the skin-cell proliferation associated with psoriasis.  It may be useful for endometriosis (the most common cause of infertility in women) because it helps the liver to process the hormone oestrogen, which at high levels can make pain and other symptoms worse.  Finally, milk thistle can be beneficial in preventing or treating gallstones by improving the flow of bile, the cholesterol-laden digestive juice that travels from the liver through the gall bladder and into the intestine, where it helps to digest fats.

How to take it.

Dosage :  The recommended dose for milk thistle is up to 200mg of standardised extract (containing 70% to 80% silymarin) three times a day; lower doses are often very effective.  It is often combined with other herbs and nutrients, such as dandelion, choline, methionine and inositol.  This combination may be labelled ‘liver complex’ or ‘lipotropic factors’.  For proper dosage follow the instructions on the packet.

Guidelines for use : Milk thistle extract seems most effective when taken between meals.  However, if you want to take the herb itself, a tablespoon of ground milk thistle can be sprinkled over breakfast cereal once daily.  Milk thistle’s benefits may be noticeable within a week or two.  The herb appears to be safe, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.  No interactions with other medications have been noted.

Possible side effects : Virtually no side effects have been attributed to the use of milk thistle which is considered one of the safest herbs on the market.  However in some people it may have a slight laxative effect for a day or two.

Buying guide.

To ensure you are getting the right dose buy products made from standardised extracts that contain 70% to 80% silymarin, milk thistle’s active ingredient. Studies show that preparations containing milk thistle bound to phosphatidylcholine, a constituent of the natural fatty compound lecithin, may be better absorbed than ordinary milk thistle.

When taking milk thistle to alleviate liver damage from excessive alcohol, avoid alcohol based tinctures as they can weaken the resolve to break the addiction.

Recent Findings.

Milk thistle may be a weapon in the fight against skin cancer.  Researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, found that when the active ingredient, silymarin, was applied to the skin of mice, 75% fewer skin tumours resulted after the mice were exposed to ultra violet radiation.  More studies are needed to see if it has a similar effect in humans.

Final fact.

The components of milk thistle are not soluble in water, so teas made from the seeds usually contain few of the herb’s liver-protecting ingredients.